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Indigo Incite Page 28

  “Absolutely,” he said and kissed her again.


  Sarah gazed down at the newborn sleeping peacefully in her arms. She smiled and gently kissed the top of his full head of curly, red hair. He had communicated with her so much when she had been pregnant that she hadn’t known what to expect from him once he was born, but so far, he seemed like a typical newborn.

  Ian had explained that her baby seemed normal because he was overwhelmed with the new sensations of life. Birth for any baby was traumatic. Within the womb, babies never feel cold, hungry, or tired. After they’re born, the world is an overwhelming place to be. He assured her that once the baby got used to things, she would begin to notice his uniqueness.

  The door opened then and a nurse walked in. “Good morning. How are the two of you doing today? Were you able to get any sleep?”

  “Not much,” Sarah admitted.

  “Welcome to the world of motherhood. You’ll find you won’t get much sleep for the next year or so. Amazing what we sacrifice for our children, isn’t it? It’s all worth it though.”

  “Yes, it is.” Sarah looked down at him again. She was aware of the dangers that lurked outside of the hospital walls. Even though the compound in Mexico had been disbanded, she was fully aware that the agency still existed, and there were plenty of people who would do just about anything to find her child. And she knew that she would sacrifice her safety in a heartbeat in order to protect him.

  In order to protect Trevor and the sanctuary of Roswell, she had returned to Granite Falls a week before her due date. She had been aware that waiting so long had been pushing her luck, and it had been a fine balance in the timing. Too long away from Roswell would put herself and the baby at risk, but it would have been a greater risk if he had been born in Roswell. The moment he was born, a paper trail would be created. The announcement of his birth would be public record, and he would need to be issued a social security card and birth certificate. Even though Roswell was a sanctuary, a paper trail would immediately draw the attention of the IIA So the plan had been formed to return to Granite Falls, only long enough for the birth of the baby and to recover. Then she would gather the remainder of her belongings and once again disappear.

  Ian had insisted that he escort her back to Washington and remain by her side. Sarah had tried to refute his offer, but he had been stubborn and wouldn’t take no for an answer. “He’ll need my protection," he persisted. "If any trackers come for him, I’m the only one who will be able to sense their presence and get the two of you to safety.”

  “But once you’re away from Roswell, they’ll sense your presence, too. You can’t risk being captured.”

  “That’s a risk I’m prepared to take. Your baby will be helpless. His safety is more important than my own.”

  Sarah couldn’t argue with that, so she had hesitantly agreed that he should join her.

  Sympathetic to their cause, Patricia had hired two private security guards to stand outside of her hospital room around the clock.

  There was another knock at the door and the nurse opened it. Sarah smiled and waved at the security guard hovering behind Ian and her aunt, in the hall. At her wave, the guard nodded and returned to his post.

  “With that red hair of yours, I’m guessing that you must be the husband,” the nurse said to Ian when he and her aunt entered the room.

  “Uh, no.” Ian looked embarrassed. “I’m a cousin.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right,” Sarah said. “My husband is overseas in the military right now.”

  “Oh, you poor dear. I’m so sorry. I hope you have some help at home.”

  Sarah looked from Ian to her aunt and smiled. She had known that her arrival home, with a man other than her husband, would seem odd, so she had explained that Ian was her husband’s cousin. The red hair made the lie seem plausible. Aunt Mae had welcomed him into her home with open arms.

  “Ian and I will help take care of them,” her aunt said. She walked to the side of the hospital bed to admire the baby. “He’s beautiful, Sarah.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah kissed the top of his head again, and he opened his eyes.

  “What’s his name?” the nurse asked.

  “Tristan,” Sarah replied. “Tristan Daniel. Daniel is my husband’s first name.”

  Aunt Mae smiled. “It’s a good name. I’m sure his daddy is very proud. Have you talked to him?”

  “Yeah I was able to get ahold of him last night. He is very happy. He’s excited to come home.”

  “When does he get to come home?” the nurse asked.

  “If all goes as planned, it should be in two months. Ian has offered Daniel a job with his business once he gets out of the military, so we plan to move with him."

  She looked into Tristan’s eyes and he looked into hers. He was only a day old, and he already looked wise.

  Daddy won’t be home in two months. The voice in her head was unexpected, and she wondered for a moment if she had heard correctly. She looked up and met Ian’s gaze. Her voice faltered when she asked, “Did you hear that?”

  His silent nod was answer enough. Tristan had communicated with her. It had begun. Daddy won’t be home in two months, he had thought. She didn’t want to know what that meant.



  Jacinda Buchmann lives in Arizona with her husband and three children. She graduated from Carroll College, in Helena, Montana, with a B.A. in elementary education and later received a Master’s degree from Northern Arizona University in school counseling. After spending several years as a teacher and later a school counselor, she now spends her time writing any free chance she can get, that is, when she’s not spending time with her family or creating a new concoction in the kitchen.

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