Indigo Incite Read online

Page 21

  Eddie twisted the door handle and peered out. They were immediately assaulted by a blast of warm air. They stepped outside onto fine, brown gravel and looked around with caution to assess their position. There was no one around, but they knew that the video camera mounted atop the building adjacent to them had announced their arrival. Ian had explained that the grounds were monitored by security cameras that were attended twenty-four hours a day by security guards in a building near the front gate.

  Grace glanced back at the door, from which they had arrived. The tunnel entrance looked like a small shack that had been built into the side of a hill. The rear of the property was backed by a small mountain. The other three sides of the perimeter were guarded by a tall barbed wire fence. Ian had described the premises with precise detail and had also drawn a map. The entire property sat on twenty acres and housed a total of nine plain, brown modular buildings.

  The lack of guards present didn’t negate the fact that their every move was closely monitored. Any sign of hesitation or fear and security would be upon them. As long as they walked tall and with confidence, no one should suspect anything unusual about their presence. They had reviewed the map one final time before they had climbed the stairs; the layout of IIA headquarters was memorized. Their targeted destination was two buildings down and three buildings to the right.

  Grace was thankful that the buildings had only a few small windows near the ceiling; their parade across the graveled lot would hopefully go unnoticed by the occupants within. They had successfully reached the second building without spying anyone, but when they rounded the corner, they were greeted by a middle-aged man with salt and pepper gray hair, a mustache, and a beer belly. He sat on the second step of the small, wooden porch with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Good afternoon,” he said with a smile. “What brings the military up to our neck of the woods today?”

  It was Eddie who spoke. “Colonel Davis sent us to check out a few things and grab some files from his office. He’s detained for the day, entertaining some important bigwigs at the air show.”

  “So he sent you to do his dirty work, huh?” The man chuckled. Grace wondered if he was joking or if ‘dirty work’ actually referred to the illegitimate business of the IIA and its associates.

  Graced laughed in return. “Yeah, lucky us. Everyone else gets a day of fun and we’re stuck working.”

  “Well, good luck to you. I was in the military myself in my younger days. I was an Army Ranger. I know all about taking orders from higher command. They’ll walk all over you when they want to.”

  “That’s for sure,” Eddie agreed.

  “Well then, do you know where you’re headed?”

  “Yep. I think we’re that third building, right on the end down there.”

  “That’s right. No one’s been there in a couple of weeks. Should be locked up. Do you have a key?”

  “Oh yeah, we’re all set,” Eddie reassured him. He of course didn’t require a key to open a lock, and the last thing they wanted was for the man to locate a guard to let them in and have their every move watched.

  “Okay then. I wish you a speedy journey.”

  “Thank you,” Grace replied with a sweet smile.

  “Well, at least we know that our appearance here doesn’t seem unusual,” Eddie whispered after they were out of earshot. “This might be easier than I expected.”

  They found the inside of the rectangular building to be plain and simple. It housed four desks, a large table, a few file cabinets, a copy machine, a water cooler, and a small restroom. Like Ian had described, the maps to the Mexican compound were located on the large table near the back wall. They were massive, about two feet by three feet, and Grace immediately applied herself to the copy machine to shrink them down to size so that the copies would fit inside of a file folder.

  While she copied, Eddie began to search for the access card that would be needed to log into the computer system. Ian had explained that the card would either be found within the Colonel’s desk or in his file cabinet.

  Over the whine of the copy machine, Grace listened to the heavy thuds of Eddie’s footsteps and squeaks of the floorboards, of the thin, modular floor. She turned, with a start, when he slammed his palm on the side of a file cabinet. The resounding vibration caused a picture frame to topple, which in turn landed on a mug full of pens.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s not here! It’s…We came all this way, and it’s not here.”

  “What do you mean? It has to be here.” Grace left the copy machine and crossed the room to Eddie.

  “Ian said that the access card is always kept in the Colonel’s desk, and he said that a second, spare card is kept in the last file, at the back of the second drawer, of the file cabinet. They’re both gone.”

  “Do you think the Colonel could be in Mexico?”

  “He could be. But if so, it doesn’t explain where the second card is. And it doesn’t help us a whole lot right now when we need it. It’s not like we can just come back again. We need the key now.”

  “Let me think for a minute.” Grace sat in the Colonel’s black swivel leather chair. She turned so that she faced his desk and placed both hands on the glass top. With eyes closed, she focused on the feeling of the room. She sensed the commanding officer who had last sat in the chair; she felt his lingering presence and tried to imagine where he had placed the card. Then she saw it.

  “It’s in the third drawer down.”

  “The third drawer?”

  “Yeah, let me see.” She pulled the drawer open and reached into the empty space behind the last file. Between the metal slats she touched what felt like a credit card. She gripped it between her fingertips and retrieved what looked like a hotel room key.

  “It got pushed back in the second drawer and fell down,” she explained.

  “You’re amazing.” His relief was obvious, and she was rewarded with a smile and hug.

  All too eagerly, Grace accepted the hug. She tried to ignore the fact that his aura revealed only colors of friendship. He obviously didn’t feel the same adoration for her that she felt for him, but she was confident that she would eventually be able to win him over.

  He released her from the embrace and glanced to the copy machine. “Are the maps done?”

  “They should be. I just shrank down the last one. It should be sitting on the copier. Let me put the originals back, and we should be good to go.”

  “Not yet. We have to find the password, too. The card won’t do us much good if we can’t log into the system. It should be…”

  Eddie trailed off as Grace flipped the access card around so he could see the backside. “You mean this password?” She grinned and tapped the small piece of paper that had been taped to the back.

  “That’s the password?”

  “I assume so. It has nine figures with a combination of letters and numbers, just like Ian said it would.”

  “Well, that’s certainly convenient. I guess they aren’t too concerned about a security breach, are they?”

  “Nope.” Grace grinned again. “Lucky for us. Now, can we get out of here, please? I don’t think my nerves can take much more of this spy business today.”

  “I hear ya. Let’s get out of here while luck is on our side.”


  Stretched out on the bed, Liliana leaned against a stack of pillows propped against the headboard while they waited for Eddie and Grace to return. She had flipped through the channels until she stopped at a classic movie but couldn’t stay focused on it; her gaze continued to discreetly wander to Tyler. His legs dangled over the arm of an oversized chair as he leaned back and took a nap.

  Daydreams of a future with Tyler mingled their way between her growing concern for Eddie and Grace. She fantasized that he was running after her on a sandy beach. When he finally caught up to her, they tumbled about in the sand as the waves teased their bare toes. Twinges of guilt pul
led at her conscience. Such a fantasy should have no place in her mind, when worry for her two friends should be at the forefront of her thoughts. Eddie and Grace had willingly put themselves in danger, and all she could think about was her feelings for a boy.

  “So after I catch you and we tumble about in the sand, what happens next?”

  Caught off guard and immediately embarrassed, Liliana looked up. His eyes were still closed, but his quirky smile revealed that he was awake.

  Liliana found herself at a loss for words. “I…uh…um…that’s not fair. Those were private thoughts.”

  He opened his eyes and grinned. “There’s no such thing as a private thought,” he teased. Her flushed cheeks must have been obvious, from across the room, because he added, “Oh, come on. It’s no big deal.”

  With swift agility, he flipped himself up and over the arm of the chair and came to sit on the edge of the bed, beside her.

  Still leaning against the pillows, Liliana felt her pulse began to race as she looked into Tyler’s eyes. Whether it was his close proximity and her full awareness of his presence or the fact that she was still blushing, the room suddenly grew warmer. His body heat seemed to radiate straight toward her. The damp tips of his hair glistened from his recent shower, and she found the fresh scent of hotel soap to be surprisingly intoxicating.

  “So tell me, where is this beach of yours?” His eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  He shook his head. “You can hear my thoughts, Liliana. Does it sound like I’m laughing?”

  She paused for a moment to assess his thoughts and observe his aura. He wasn’t laughing; in fact, he seemed to be fascinated with her daydream.

  “The beach…It’s um…in Seattle. There’s a place I like to go, near the Sound. It’s never crowded. I was just imagining that I could take you there someday, just you and I, when all of this crazy stuff is over.”

  “I’d like that. You didn’t answer my question, though. After I catch you and we tumble about in the sand…what happens next?”

  “I didn’t get that far,” she said, with a grin.

  “Well, when you do, let me know, okay? I’d…like to know.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever get to come to Seattle? I mean, after all of this is over, where will you go? Will you have to go back to your foster family?”

  His mood and aura visibly darkened. “I don’t know. With luck, my brother and I will be together again. I hope to God we don’t have to go back, but if we don’t, I don’t know where the state will send us. Will they find us a new foster family? Maybe. But, my brother and I will both be considered runaways, so who knows…Maybe they’ll just send us to juvie and keep us there until we turn eighteen. I don’t know what will happen. Right now I just need to focus on getting him back, and then I guess we’ll worry about the future after that.”

  He met her gaze with his own and leaned in closer. “I would love to come see you in Seattle, Liliana. Other than my brother, I’ve never felt closer to anyone in my life. I feel a connection to you.”

  Her response came out almost in a whisper. “I feel it too.”

  He leaned in close. His warm breath was almost upon her lips, and then he sat back and said, “You have perfect timing.”

  She frowned. “Um…excuse me?”

  “It’s Toby,” he explained.

  “Oh.” Perfect timing, indeed, she thought.

  As she listened to their one-sided conversation, trying to make sense of it all, she tried to fill in the blanks.

  “We were just talking about what we’re going to do after we rescue you,” Tyler explained to his brother with what seemed like a defensive tone. He was silent for a moment and then said, “You’ll like her. I can’t wait for you to meet her.” Another moment of silence passed, and then he said, “Eddie and Grace should be back soon and then we’ll take a look at the maps and see what we’re up against. If all goes as planned we should be there tomorrow.” He grew silent again as he listened to Toby. Then he laughed. “It’s a crazy idea, but I think you’re right. In the long run, it will probably be the best plan. Everyone else is going to hate it, but I guess I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do. Don’t worry, bro. No matter what, I am coming for you.” He was silent for a moment, and then he glanced at Liliana and smiled. “Hey, you know me,” he said to his brother. “I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do. I’ll see you soon.” She wondered if he was talking about her or his plan. She tried to gauge his thoughts, but he was obviously blocking them from her.

  “What is your crazy plan, and how come I’m not going to like it?” She flopped down on the bed and repositioned herself against the pillows.

  I had hoped you wouldn’t hear that, he thought.

  So…what? You thought that you would just rescue your brother and I would never find out the plan? We’re all in this together, Liliana shot back silently.

  He took a deep breath and slowly released it. “You’re right.” He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. “It’s just that…I’ve been trying to consider the best plan of action, and I seem to keep coming back to the same idea.”

  “And that is?”

  “I think the only way to get Toby out, is to let them kidnap me, too.”

  Liliana was silent for a moment, in an attempt to comprehend what he had just said. “Kidnap you?—We’re going to Mexico to try to rescue your kidnapped brother, and you want to get yourself kidnapped as well?—You…you understand that sounds a little crazy, right?”

  “I do, but there is actually a rhyme and a reason to my scheme. I think it just might work.”

  “Okay, well, before you go and do anything completely crazy, let’s make sure that we have a plan that will definitely work. I don’t want a plan that ‘just might work'.” She looked into his eyes. “I want to make sure that I get you back safely.”

  “Say that again.”

  “Say what again?”

  “You said that you want me.”

  “I did not!” She giggled and slapped his arm. “I said I want to make sure that I get you back safely!”

  He shrugged and leaned in toward her. “Same thing.”

  Just as Liliana thought that this was finally going to be their first kiss, they both looked up when they heard voices at the door. A few seconds later, Eddie and Grace entered the room. They were dressed in their Air Force Blues and sported beaming smiles.

  Eddie grinned. “I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”

  Tyler sighed. “Not at all.”


  From the edge of the gas station parking lot where pavement met sand, the desert presented itself to Liliana as a future of vast and uncertain possibilities. She watched a large collection of tumbleweed roll past and was surprised at the amount of greenery that dotted the terrain. A large jackrabbit darted back and forth between prickly trees and cacti while a hawk circled overhead. According to the map, the low lying mountains, in the distance were their final destination. Somewhere amongst the canyons and caves was the compound.

  Liliana sighed as she thought about Tyler. He was ready to put himself in danger and literally hand himself over to the enemy. Grace had reassured her that everything would be okay, and Liliana knew that she spoke the truth, but she was also aware that Grace’s visions of the future could change as other events occurred. A vision of the future wasn’t set in stone.

  She hadn’t heard his approach and was startled when he spoke, from close behind. “I’ll be fine.” She turned to find him directly behind her. She was surprised that she hadn’t sensed his presence.

  “You must have been having a good daydream. I’m surprised that you didn’t hear me thinking about you.”

  “You were thinking about me?”

  “I was.” He smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Turn around and tell me what you see out there.”

  Liliana looked out, toward the mountains. It wasn’t Seattle; the mountains weren’t as lush and green, and there
was no ocean, but it was beautiful in its own right. “I see a desert and some cactus.”

  Tyler stepped in, close behind, and wrapped his arms around her. This was the first time he had physically reached out to her, and she felt a slight thrill at his touch. Wrapped tight in his embrace, she felt safe. She knew the sense of security was a façade to her peace of mind, but she savored the moment, knowing that this might be the last time they would be together.

  “I see a desert, too. You know what else I see? I see the future. Out there, we have the opportunity to take back our lives. We have the opportunity to stand up to the IIA and let them know that they aren’t going to control us. I’m done running, and if putting myself in danger is what it’s going to take, to keep us all safe, then that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I’m going to be fine. And one day, hopefully soon, you can show me that beach of yours.” With his arms still around her, he gave her a gentle squeeze.

  She turned in his embrace to face him. “I hope you’re right. I really do.” Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She glanced over and sighed. Eddie and Grace were headed their way. Her brief moment of peaceful reverie with Tyler was over.

  “Well, the car’s all gassed up and ready to go,” Eddie announced. Tyler released her from his embrace but continued to stand close. If Eddie noticed the obvious fact that she and Tyler had become more than just friends, he didn’t say anything. “I guess we need to sit down and finalize our plan.”

  Before he could say more, an old, green Chevy truck pulled in, beside them. When the swirling dirt cleared, Liliana noted two men in the front seat and two more in the bed of the truck. Their dirt-smeared faces gave the appearance that they had just come from working in the nearby fields.

  The driver called out something, in Spanish, and Eddie took a step forward. He called something back, in Spanish, and all of the men in the truck laughed. Their exchange of dialogue went back and forth a few more times, and then the driver gave a final laugh and drove away.

  “What was that all about?” Grace asked.

  “They wanted to know how much they could pay to buy you girls.”

  Grace looked astonished. “Buy us? You’re serious?”